RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: In the context of the analysis based on two economic
categories, i.e. “moderation” and “choice”, the author will focus on the analysis of
the broadly understood market including energy market (seen through the prism
of the possibility of achieving climate neutrality by Poland in the time perspective
by the EU delivered) in a current text. To this task, it will analyze the air pollutions
in the years 2000‑2021
(taking into account in particular the issue of emissions of
selected gases and other types of particulate pollutants: dusts). The author will also
make a forecast, taking into account the current rate of quantitative changes. For this
purpose, selected forms of air pollution will observed (explanatory variables). For them
models based on selected predictor variables will build (listed in the analytical part).
THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: In addition to descriptive analysis,
econometric analysis which is also used in the article, has particular practical importance.
The aim was to determine, by means of statistical methods, specific quantitative
regularities occurring in the broadly understood economic life, in the analysis of which
the key was the condition of the air and the causes of the observed condition of affairs
in Poland.
RESEARCH RESULTS: The model, built from five equations, was constructed during
the analysis. Each of them concerned the effect of statistically selected explained variables
on the predictor variable and allowed to identify the main and significant relationships
between them. The choice of equations was not accidental. The explanatory
variables are selected types of air pollutants, including examples of gaseous pollutants
and the total amount of particulate pollutants. It has been shown that the emission
of pollutants decreases when the production of electricity in wind farms and in
independent renewable power plants increases. In addition, the increase in expenditure
on fixed assets for the protection of ambient air and climate in general contributes to
the reduction of air pollution (especially SO2 and NO2 gases), as well as an increase in
expenditures on fixed assets for environmental protection in the industry itself. CO2
emission, on the other hand, is a much more complex issue. The article shown only
the relationship between these emissions and electricity production (both variables
are positively correlated). However, the author is sure that the total CO2 emission in
the country is not only the responsibility of industry condition, but also other sectors
of the economy, what is mentioned in the summary.
contributes indirectly to further research on the barriers to entry of the Polish economy
into the group of climate‑neutral
countries. On the other hand, it directly concerns
the analysis of selected types of gases and dusts as air pollutants. The article is not
a comprehensive report, but it’s only a voice in a broader debate. Detailed conclusions
from the analysis are presented in the last part of the text.