Social Aspects of Regional Productivity: The Importance of Infrastructure
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aspect, productivity, region, KLEMS

How to Cite

Brdulak, J., & Kotlewski, D. (2024). Social Aspects of Regional Productivity: The Importance of Infrastructure. Economic and Political Thought, 82(3), 8–20. Retrieved from


The study is a synthesis of the threads on infrastructure development raised in the authors’ previous works, with an additional emphasis on its social aspect. It places infrastructure in the system of pro‑social activities by adopting the authors’ concept of factor decomposition of social policies oriented toward raising regional productivity. The theoretical concept of the impact of infrastructure on economic growth first presented in the work – D. Kotlewski, Role of infrastructure in economic growth through the lenses of KLEMS growth accounting, 38th IARIW General Conference, London August 26-30, 2024 – is further developed. In conclusion, it is shown that methodologies from the field of economic growth accounting, especially KLEMS, are particularly suitable for studying social aspects of productivity and the role of infrastructure.

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