- The Editor-in-chief indicates t least two independent reviewers (double blind review process), i.e. specialists who are not Lazarski University employees, to evaluate each publication. Editor-in-chief may discuss or assign it to the members of the Editorial Board.
- At least one reviewer is from foreign university or research centre.
- The reviewing procedure is a so-called double-blind peer review process, i.e. follows a rule that an author and re viewers do not know their identity.
- Reviewers submit written declarations of non-existence of a conflict of interests in their relations with the authors of articles being reviewed.
- A review must be developed in writing and provide an unambiguous recommendation to accept a manuscript for publication or decline it.
- The above procedure and rules of reviewing are published on the Economic and Political Thought website.
- The names of reviewers of particular publications are not revealed. However, the name of the reviewer of each quarterly issue is publicised.
The above procedures and reviewing principles conform to the directives of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.